Do you know WhatsApp’s latest Community, Poll feature and other updates?

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Do you know 🗨️WhatsApp’s latest Community and Poll🤳 feature updates?

As we know, WhatsApp from Meta is a 🆓 messaging and video calling app with mobile and desktop compatibility. At regular intervals, it releases updates to give its users better service. WhatsApp is part of 2Bn people in more than 180 countries. The best thing about WhatsApp is that it is simple, reliable, and private, you can easily connect with your friends and family. WhatsApp works across mobile and desktops even on slow connections, without subscription fees*. Your personal messages and calls to friends and family are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of your chats, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. To use this application, it only needs your phone number, no user names or logins. You can quickly view your contacts who are on WhatsApp and start a conversation.

Mark Zuckerberg from meta has recently (Nov 2022) released some updates on WhatsApp.

The major update on WhatsApp is to introduce WhatsApp Communities and in-Chat Poll. Apart from these two, there are some minor ones also.

WhatsApp Communities💬

WhatsApp Communities is a tool aimed at bringing neighborhoods, parents to a school, etc. into a single place. Users will be able to connect multiple groups together under one umbrella to organize group conversations on WhatsApp. The company has been working with over 50 organizations in 15 countries to build Communities.

WhatsApp Community Updates

How to use Communities?

To get started, users can tap on the new community’s tab at the top left of their chats on Android and at the bottom on iOS. From there, users will be able to start a new Community from scratch by adding individuals to the community or adding existing groups in which he or she is an admin. WhatsApp community has a feature that users can easily switch between available groups to get information when they need it, and admins can send important updates to everyone in the Community.

To increase WhatsApp’s broadcasting capability, they have introduced this feature. It claims this will set the bar for how organizations communicate. As we know that WhatsApp claims to offer a high level of privacy and end-to-end encryption security, which will be applicable even with this new feature.

WhatsApp Group in-Chat Polls

In-Chat polls are usually designed to ask the opinions of the group members by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals. A person who conducts polls is referred to as a pollster. To conduct a poll you not need to be an admin. Any member of the WhatsApp group can conduct a poll and ask for opinions.

Whatsapp In-Chat poll Updates

32-person video calls:

WhatsApp has raised the number of people in a video call from 8 to 32. The basic purpose of this feature is to increase the in general usage of WhatsApp for organizational purposes.

Add upto 1024 members in WhatsApp:

Now in the WhatsApp group, you can add the number of people from 250 to 1024. Now in group 1K+ count of persons can communicate with each other. This may give a little bit of competition to telegram.

In recent updates, along with WhatsApp Communities, inchat-polls WhatsApp also launched a few more features like….

  • You can now create and share a link for your WhatsApp call from the Calls tab
  • Now only admins will be notified when you leave a group
  • Group admins can now delete others’ messages for everyone. All participants can see who deleted it.
  • See link previews for links shared via Status.
  • You can now easily react to a Status post using Status Reactions.
  • You can share files with anyone up to the size of 2GB.
  • 32-person video calls
  • WhatsApp Group Size increased to 1024
  • WhatsApp Group in-Chat Polls

Hope you are enjoying these new features on WhatsApp. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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