Category: Cyber News

Posted in Cyber News

Faqs of IT Act – 2000

Frequently Asked Questions on IT Act – 2000 Q.1 Why was the Information Technology Act 2000 enacted?Ans: The Information Technology (IT) Act 2000 aims to provide a legal and regulatory…

Posted in Cyber News


 In State Of Madhya Pradesh India’s No. 1 Institute to provide PG Diploma In CYBER LAW at Rajiv Gandhi National Cyber Law Center at NATIONAL LAW  UNIVERSITY BHOPAL  (established by…

Posted in Cyber News

E – Security Tips

General Information: Don’t delete harmful communications (emails, chat logs, posts etc). These may help provide vital information about the identity of the person behind these. Remember that all other internet…

Posted in Cyber News

Cyber Crime

Cyber crimes, as “acts that are punishable by the Information Technology Act” would be unsuitable as the IPC covers many cybercrimes, like email spoofing, cyber defamation, sending threatening emails etc.

Posted in Cyber News

Do you know about CYBER LAW

Cyber law is an internet law that deals with legal issues related to communicative transactional and distributive aspects of networked information devices and technologies based on cyberspaces.