E – Security Tips

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General Information:
  • Don’t delete harmful communications (emails, chat logs, posts etc). These may help provide vital information about the identity of the person behind these.
  • Remember that all other internet users are strangers. You do not know who you are chatting with. 
  • Be extremely careful about how you share personal information about yourself online. 
  • Be extremely cautious about meeting online acquaintances in person. If you choose to meet, do so in a public place and take along a friend.
  • Save all communications for evidence. Do not delete or alter them in any way. 
  • Be aware of all e-mails and SMS from any stranger luring you with billion dollar lottery prize, jobs in UK and huge wealth.
  • Be sure that your WIFI Network secured, use a strong password.
  • Never share your passwords with anyone. Change the password frequently using a combination of letters, numerical and special characters.
  • Never forget to sign out of your email or any other accounts.
  • Never reveal your personal information to any stranger in online chatting.
  • Never make online transactions in unsecured sites.
  • Watch for ‘https’ in the address bar.
  • Never follow links to your banking website from another website or e-mail, type it yourself in the address bar.
  • Never open spam mails as they contain either virus or spyware. Enable spam filters in your mail boxes.
  • Never post sensitive information in social networking and marriage sites.
  • Never be greedy for free downloads. They might infect your computers.
  • Never let credit cards go out of your sight while paying.
  • Never visit sites that contain pornography or terror links.
 Suggestions for better security:
  • Use strong passwords. Choose passwords that are difficult or impossible to guess. Give different passwords to all other accounts. 
  • Make regular backup of critical data. Backups must be made at least once a day. Larger organizations should perform a full back-up weekly and incremental back-up every day. At least once a month, the backup media should be verified.
  • Use antivirus software and update regularly. 
  • Use a firewall. Firewalls are usually software products. It is essential for those who keep their computers online through the popular Broadband and cable modem connections. 
  • Do not keep computers online when not in use. Either shut them off or physically disconnect them from the Internet connection. 
  • Do not open e-mail attachments from strangers, regardless of how enticing the subject line or attachment may be. Be suspicious of any unexpected e-mail attachment from someone you know because it may have been sent without that person’s knowledge from an infected machine. 
  • Regularly download security patches from your software vendors. 
Do not give out identifying information such as Name, Home address, School Name or Telephone Number in a chat room. Do not send your photograph to anyone on the Net without first checking with your parents or guardians. Do not respond to messages or bulletin board items that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent or threatening. Never arrange a face-to-face meeting without telling parents or guardians. Remember that people online may not be who they seem to be.
Use content filtering software on your PC to protect children from pornography, gambling, hate speech, drugs and alcohol. There is also software to establish time controls for individual users (for example blocking usage after a particular time at night) and log surfing activities allowing parents to see which site the child has visited. Use this software to keep track of the activities of your children.
E-Businesses Tips to Fight Fraud:
  • Develop and publish a comprehensive privacy policy.
  • Ensure your employees are trained on the policy and follow it.
  • Monitor the privacy policy and your compliance.
  • Only ask customers for information that is absolutely necessary to complete a transaction.
  • Store only absolutely necessary data elements; once payment is complete, there is no reason to maintain payment information in a readable form.
  • Verify the payment system that you implement deletes temporary data files with payment records.
  • Make certain server log files do not inadvertently store customer payment information.
  • Limit employee access to payment systems and monitor those who have access to sensitive data or payment systems.
  • Use technology tuned for the Internet to detect potential fraud.
  • Follow up on suspicious transactions and immediately report any security breaches or loss of computer systems to the police.
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